Define Aesthetics

Defined Fat Reduction

Double Chin Reduction

750 458 Define Aesthetics

Double Chin is cause due to the extra layer of Fat deposited beneath the chin. The Fat on the Double Chin is usually Subcutaneous Fat which can be felt with a pinch. There are various factors responsible for a Double chin namely: Unhealthy Diet and Obesity Genetics Posture and Age How is fat from Double Chin targeted at Define? At Define, the doctors analyse the patient for the type of Fat. Based on the result…

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Bra Fat Reduction

750 458 Define Aesthetics

A woman’s chest consists mostly of fatty tissue. The larger your bust size, the more the fat. Ducts and lobules are the other glandular tissues necessary for breastfeeding. The ratio of fat to duct and lobule tissue in the breasts is genetic. The ratio cannot be determined is without a mammogram or other imaging. Breast fat is subcutaneous fat which sits right under the skin. Why is it necessary to reduce Breast Fat? Excess Fat…

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Cellulite Reduction

750 458 Define Aesthetics

Cellulite is a condition in which skin appears to have areas with uneven Fat deposits giving it a dimples and lumpy appearance. Cellulite usually forms on Hips, Thighs, and in the rare case on the Upper Arms. Cellulite formation is majorly seen in women after puberty. It is a stubborn type of Fat and very tough to get rid of with a regular exercise regime. Cellulite can be caused usually because of: Genetics Hormones Unhealthy…

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Arm Fat Reduction

750 458 Define Aesthetics

Flabby Upper Arms are a huge concern and can make you self-conscious. Furthermore, the choice of dressing gets limited. Fat on the Upper Arms is more stubborn and hangs on for a longer duration than other body parts. The Fat on the upper Arms is usually Subcutaneous Fat and only in some cases, Cellulite gets formed in the Upper Arm. How is fat from Upper Arm targeted at Define? At Define, the doctors analyse the…

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Belly Fat Reduction – Non Surgical Tummy Tuck

750 457 Define Aesthetics

Genetically Indians tend to deposit more fat around the tummy and it can simply be termed as Belly Fat. Belly Fat is usually categorized in two types: Subcutaneous Fat – Fat which deposits directly under the skin and can be easily felt with a pinch Visceral Fat – Fat which deposits around the internal organs of the body. This type of Fat interferes with metabolism and increases the risk of medical complications like Hypertension, Diabetes,…

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Hips and Thighs Fat Reduction

750 458 Define Aesthetics

Genetically Indian women tend to deposit more fat around the Hips and Thighs. The main culprits are a combination of hormones, genetics and unhealthy lifestyle. In women fat accumulated on Hips and Thighs is generally not Visceral Fat, it is Cellulite. How is fat from Hips and Thighs targeted at Define? At Define, the doctors analyse the patient for the type of Fat. Based on the result a Personalized Treatment Plan is made using a…

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