90% of people with Diabetes are Overweight.
27% of high blood pressure patients are obese.
20% of heart disease patients are obese.
Obesity is not just about your looks, but it can cause multiple medical conditions like High BP, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Infertility, and even some Cancers. Weight Loss can reduce the risk of these diseases significantly. The right way to lose weight is to follow a healthy weight loss approach. Essentially, this means losing fat and gaining muscle. This improves your metabolism and the result is seen in inches lost rather than kgs. At Define Aesthetics, We follow a simple three-step process to help you achieve your healthy weight loss.
Step One: Evaluation
There could be some medical conditions which may be responsible for weight gains like Hyperthyroidism or Insulin Resistance. These also may be the reason for not able to lose weight easily. The right approach is to analyse, diagnose and correct any medical conditions to achieve maximum results. Our body has different types of fats and each of them needs to be tackled differently.
Our team of expert doctors will analsze the BMI, body composition, fat percentage, type of fat, lifestyle, and medical history. This will help us to understand and design a correct treatment protocol.
Step Two: Personalized Treatment Plan
After the evaluation our doctors design a personalized treatment plan. This is done with a combination of technologies like Ion Magnum, HiFU, Acoustic Wave, Radiofrequency, and Detoxification. This helps to achieve fat loss and muscle gain. The treatments are very simple. Each one takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour. It’s a simple walk in, walk out treatment. There are no cuts, no injections, no side effects, and no rest required. Our trained doctors and therapists are always there to monitor the entire treatment.
Step Three: Monitoring
Every 4 to 5 treatments, we do a thorough evaluation, take measurements to check the results. Mid-treatment our Clinical Coordinator would meet you to understand your feedback about the results and the entire experience. Based on this, your result is evaluated and if required, changes are made into your treatment plan. This thorough monitoring makes sure that you achieve desired results.
To summarize, anyone who’s trying to lose weight, choose a method that will help you to lose fat and gain muscles. A thorough check-up from a professional will make sure that your weight loss journey is a success.
Stay healthy. Stay fit.